We include our comprehensive appraisal for identification or insurance purposes.

2.13ct Fancy Light Brown VS2 Radiant Cut Diamond
What a cool stone! I am on the lookout for lighter brown stones between 2-3cts- when this baby came across my desk, I snapped it up. I love the color. THe fluorescence messes with the tint in very cool ways.
In three of the pics, you can really see the brown, but those are taken inside a light box. While these pics informative on some levels (I like them for the detail of clarity and color you can see) you will not see this color in normal lighting. In real life, the diamond goes from light brown, to looking almost white in some lighting. Yes - it actually does have a very slight rosiness to it. I don't think GIA will find any pink, but I can notice it sometimes.
It's a clean stone - and really well cut. Great sparkle.

If you are interested in this stone, give us a call. You will be purchasing with a money back guarantee, so you are sure to end up satisfied!
The photos above are ACTUAL Photos of the diamond you will receive.