Cushion Cut Diamond Ring
ITEM #: R4314
Platinum and 18Karat Yellow Gold 3 Stone Diamond Ring
WEIGHT: 2.80ct
SHAPE: Cushion Cut
COLOR: Fancy Light Yellow
MEASUREMENTS: 8.03 x 7.43 x 5.23 mm
GIA REPORT #: 5131168060
SHAPE: Cushion Cut
Platinum and 18Karat Yellow Gold 3 Stone
Currently sized at: 6
We will ship the ring in your size.

Original GIA Report ships with item. We also include our comprehensive appraisal for identification or insurance purposes. How much will my new diamond appraise for? |

This is a "Cushion Modified Brilliant" diamond, as defined by GIA. What does that mean?
Actually the cut is really not well defined at all. That is to say there's many different facet patterns and shapes that will qualify for this description. We can see great variation in a few key areas.
1) Shape: You'll see a range of outlines all called cushion. They can be tall and thin- broad rectangular, close to square, or square....in terms of LxW. Then we have different corner shapes and different degrees of bowing at the edges.
This cushion has a great broad rectangular shape - almost square. There are gently rounded corners.
2) Optical characteristics due to facet design: In this regard, we can see stones that feature different optical properties. These will vary from designs that are patterned after a Hearts and Arrows style round- or of course Antique designs. These may be" chunky style stones- that is to say larger facets, designed for less light bounces within the stone, resulting in a look sometimes similar to an emerald cut. At the other end of the spectrum is a stone which uses the light in an entirely different manner. It bounces around in there a few times - this prevents your eye from being able to focus in specific facets- like you can in a round- or emerald cut.
It's a very "sparkly" look with thousands ( millions?) of points of light coming back to your eyes. This type of design is well suited to fancy colors= and this one is a perfect example.
The cut on this stone is fantastic - gorgeous edge to edge sparkle.

Now that it's set, you get the full effect of the color. The correct setting well done, can transform a diamond's appearance. This is particularly true with fancy colored diamonds. Now that she's set, the color looks like a Fancy Yellow- a lovely shade. It does not look like an intense yellow, which is sometimes the case when a stone this color is set. I don't think that's a negative aspect at all either way.
Some people love the softer shade of Fancy Light Yellow

The cushion side diamonds are a great foil to the beautiful broad yellow. They're a little taller- but clearly cousins when it comes to a lovely Cushion Modified Brilliant with the million points of light look. They're also nice bright white.
I was lucky to find this pair- perfect timing- the cutter had just arrived in NYC....
In addition to being a great match for our gorgeous 2.80ct, they're a great combination high color, but low - yet eye clean- clarity. No carbon. Each stone has s single feather type imperfection.
You'd have to have the stone at exactly the perfect angle to see them- but now that they're set into this ring, you can't even get to that angle.
SI2's were a fantastic find- saving over $3000 on the final price of the ring over similar VS1 side diamonds.
Uber Three Stone Beauty
You've got your shaped prongs. You've got your gorgeous curved elements. You've got your three under bezels- the part that site on your finger below the stones- shaped exactly like the stones above them. Exacting attention to detail- meticulous finishing.
If you're a size 6, great, it fits.
if you're a size 2.75, or a size 9, it's not problem either. If need be we'll replace the parts to make sure that when you get the ring it's perfect. No shortcuts.
If you purchase this ring and it ever needs anything- please don't allow any other jeweler to touch it- we'll guarantee perfect results.

The photos above are ACTUAL Photos of the diamond and ring you will receive.