ITEM #: R5381
Cushion Cut Sapphire, Loose
WEIGHT: 2.08ct
STONE TYPE: Sapphire
SHAPE: Cushion Cut
MEASUREMENTS: 8.30 x 6.20 mm
We include our comprehensive appraisal for identification or insurance purposes.

2.08ct Blue Cushion Cut Sapphire
Here is a very rich blue sapphire.
We take our time to pick exceptional stones, and in this case, at an exceptional price. There is virtually no purple in this stone - which results in an incredibly pure blue. The depth of color makes the stone very desirable.
Combined with a very nice cut, it is a great looking stone.
You can notice a slight bit of "color banding" on the right side of the stone - a by product of the high res photography we offer. To get such focus we need to use a lot of light. In person the stone will not show this characteristic.
We assume the stone has been heated, a customary part of the cutting process for most sapphires on the market.

The photos above are ACTUAL Photos of the sapphire ring you will receive.
In the photo on the right, you can see what I'm talking about.
The Sapphire on the left is quite a nice one. Believe it or not, in this particular case, the Sapphire on the left had a higher price than the stone on the right- which is the stone I chose. It's making it's new owner very happy as you read this.
Sparkle is the type of Sapphires, Rubies, and Emeralds we carry.
Our stones are all NATURAL - including this awesome Sapphire.
This one is a great example of the sparkle I love combined with a deep rich color
Many Natural Sapphires, including this one, are heated during the cutting and finishing process.
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