Original GIA Report ships with diamond. We also include our comprehensive appraisal for identification or insurance purposes. How much will my new diamond appraise for? |

We buy these diamonds directly from cutters. In this case, it's one of a group of select cutters that buys rough diamonds directly from DeBeers. Also known as a Site Holder.
When trading colorless and near colorless diamonds, there's lists cutters refer to in pricing the diamonds.
With fancy colors, no such list exists and sometimes it works to the advantage of the buyer. IN cases like this, the actual appearance of the stone prevails. This stone could be valued at five times the price if there was no brown in the personality. Orange- ( pure orange with no modifiers)- is one of the rarest colors in diamonds. Even though the GIA called this one Fancy Intense Orangy Yellow, the color is more complex as compared to pure orange. That's why it's price about like a Fancy Intense Yellow

The facet pattern is apparent in these photos. It's a lovely look with tremendous sparkle. You can't focus in any one facet in real life- it's dazzling.

Photographing diamonds is a difficult task. Our goal is always the same- shoot and publish photos that most accurately represent the diamond.
Photos are good, yet they must be seen in context. We do this by publishing many photos. Color representation, for example, requires several photos. In addition this stone posses a unique white fluorescence making photography even more difficult.

It's a very good I1 diamond. The GIA "Color Origin" report does not specify the clarity. The imperfection is a "feather" which can be seen in the photo below at around 7:00... lower left corner. A sharp eyed viewer will see it in real life, but unlike a black carbon spot that contrast, this blends in

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