Original GIA Report ships with diamond. We also include our comprehensive appraisal for identification or insurance purposes. How much will my new diamond appraise for? |
D Internally Flawless. The Ultimate in diamond grades. Thankfully, there's plenty of intrinsic qualities you won't need a GIA report to see that are present in this example. This diamond is accompanied by GIA's Diamond Dossier. This service includes a laser inscription microscopically engraved on the girdle of the diamond.

In terms of cut, it's also got a lot of great aspects, in my opinion. Actually, this diamond was classified as a "Square Emerald Cut" which is common for stones called "Asscher Cut"
There's a lot of "steps" you'll see looking at well cut Asscher Cut Diamonds. This is caused by the facets running around the diamond. Some of these steps are cut into the top of the diamond- others on the bottom.
The ones cut on the bottom reflect upwards creating somewhat of an optical illusion. It's hard to tell sometimes, if you're seeing steps on the top or bottom.
Traditionally the steps on top of the diamond lead to a slightly smaller "table ( the flat part on top of a diamond). This one has a slightly larger table, allowing a a gorgeous step pattern- while utilizing the rough to polish at 59% depth. This is a low number, by traditional standards. Low depth is good, in this case, as you end up with a .84ct that spreads like a 1.00ct. I'm also impressed with the glitter and life the stone possesses.
Clearly, if one was looking for the more traditional type of stone, that's the way to go.
But if one did like things that had unique intrinsic beauty, as well as the GIA D/ Internally Flawless grade, this might be a great choice.

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