ITEM #: R3956
Platinum and 18Karat Yellow Gold Diamond Ring
WEIGHT: 1.79ct
SHAPE: Old Mine Brilliant by DBL
COLOR: Fancy Light Yellow
MEASUREMENTS: 7.14 x 6.70 x 4.88 mm
GIA REPORT #: 1132314072
SHAPE: Round Single Cut
Platinum and 18Karat Yellow Gold
Currently sized at: 7
We will ship the ring in your size.
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Original GIA Report ships with item. We also include our comprehensive appraisal for identification or insurance purposes. |

1.79ct Fancy Light Yellow Branded DBL Old Mine Brilliant Diamond Halo Ring
It's easy to see why people are drawn to older diamonds. The older cut design draws light from its surroundings differently than a modern cut diamond. I've heard it said that the facet design of diamonds cut before the advent of electric lights was influenced by the lighting environment of the day, and by the methods available to cut diamonds then.
It could be said that the modern brilliant cut is the pinnacle of diamond design. To some people it is. However, it would be very easy to make the case that in gaining something, as we do with the modern brilliant cut diamond, we also lose something.
For example, modern brilliant cut diamonds can have very tiny facets. Older cut diamonds generally have much larger facet areas. This affects the entire look of the diamond. Which is better? I believe that it is in the eye of the beholder.
Since this is a modern cut diamond, this "vintage" facet pattern is laid on using the most modern technology.

Why are older cut diamonds rare?
You might ask yourself, since diamonds last virtually forever, what happens to all the older diamonds?
It could very well be that the diamond you select, which is" brand-new", is actually a recut of an old diamond.
I hate to admit it, but this is just another case of profit killing art. To make an analogy: imagine a beautiful building. It was constructed in 1925. Artful porticos.
A developer comes along, and rips that sucker down to put up a mini mall.
When it comes to diamonds, if a diamond was a really good diamond from way back when, it makes all the sense in the world to recut that diamond to modern standards, from a financial standpoint.
That's one reason a lot of the older stones which survived intact, few are high white diamonds.
Why don't we see more older stones in fancy colors?

It stands to reason that when they mined diamonds in the old days, they unearthed some fancy colored diamonds as well. We can only speculate as to why we don't really find that many older cut fancy colored diamonds.
In terms of nowadays: in the photo above you can see 1.35 carat diamond on the left. The three diamonds on the right, all have a more modern type of cut. It is generally believed that this type of more modern cut is better for color retention.
In some ways, the photo proves that point. The Fancy Light Yellow radiant cut seems to give off quite a bit more yellow than the Fancy Light Yellow DBL cushion. Once we set this diamond the color will come out a lot more. But it still won't look as yellow as the modern type of cut in the same color.
Of course, that's not the point. The diamond possesses a totally different type of glitter and light play. There's more white light coming back, as compared to the radiant cut diamonds. It's really a matter of preference. The unique thing here, is that the market generally favors the preference of cutting to radiant, or cushion that looks like a radiant.
These diamonds are unique.
We're working in partnership with this remarkable cutter to create a unique diamond design that epitomizes the qualities we love in a DBL signature stone. You won't find these anywhere else. This wonderful cut will be available from time to time in a range of warmer whites from S to T up to Fancy Yellows, and they will all be absolutely beautiful
Beautiful.... artful facet design combined with the precision execution. The stones are gorgeous. All are laser inscribed.

Now that the diamond is set, it is actually possible to see the logo reflected on one of the facets on bottom of the diamond.
You need a strong magnifier to see it, but it's there.

The Ring
This is a handmade platinum ring done by jewelers, setters and polishers, specializing in micro-setting diamonds. They are the very finest in the business.

This is a handmade platinum ring done by jewelers, setters and polishers, specializing in micro-setting diamonds. They are the very finest in the business.

Speaking of that remarkable center diamond- it now looks very much like an intense yellow.
A remarkable ring.

The photos above are ACTUAL Photos of the diamond ring you will receive.

Guides Related to Diamonds
Fancy Colored Diamond Buying Guide
How much will my new diamond appraise for?
Why insist on a GIA Report?
Natural Pink Diamond Color Chart
Our Fancy Yellow Color Chart